Tel: 918-256-5111

Clark, DC
Dr. Joseph Clark is chiropractic physician practicing in a multidisciplinary clinic in Vinita, Oklahoma. He utilizes the most modern & evidence based techniques for safe, comfortable, and effective treatments of neuromusculoskeletal pain. He is board certified by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners and Oklahoma Board of Chiropractors. He is additionally certified in injectable nutrients by the Oklahoma Board, and a Certified DOT Medical Examiner by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. He also carries several additional certifications in Kineso Taping, Webster Technique, and Sports Injuries
BA-Biology, Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kansas
Dr. Clark attended Bethany College from 1996-2000. While in college he received scholarships for football, golf and academics.
Dr. Clark graduated from Cleveland Chiropractic University in 2004. He specializes in Diversified (full spine) adjusting, Activator Methods, Motion Palpation Institute, Gonstead Technique, Chiropractic Biophysics, Physical Therapy, Kinesio Taping & Sports Related injuries.
DC (Doctor of Chiropractic), Cleveland University, Kansas City, MO